Genesis 2:8
And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden...
Eden was a real paradise. It was inhabited by the highest form of God’s creation: mankind, the male and female of whom God named Adam and Eve.
Eden, located in an area bounded by Africa on the west and Saudi Arabia on the east, was described as a garden planted by God himself.
It was the place God intended his first creatures to live, without difficulty or aging, from time to eternity. Life was so simple; they did not even need shoes or clothes. It was the world's smallest city. There were no governments as we know them today. There were no mayors, governors, or presidents, yet this small, two-person city was a real paradise.
How long it existed is not known. Since time and aging were not factors, Adam and Eve could have been in the garden for thousands of years.
Eventually, however, the garden paradise that was known as Eden fell. It fell because of the disobedience of its citizens. There has been a succession of efforts since Eden to restore the state of paradise enjoyed by Adam and Eve.
All have been unsuccessful despite their best efforts.
All have been unsuccessful despite their best efforts.
Once paradise was lost, it has never been restored. However, the kingdom of heaven will be a paradise once again.

Black Perspective
African Americans have been enslaved, segregated, and discriminated against throughout history. This has made it difficult to feel free. However, we can find hope in the knowledge that we have come a long way, and that we are continuing to make progress. We should continue to fight for our freedom, and we should never give up hope for a better future.