Genesis 6:9
....and Noah walked with God.
Noah walked with God. He had a divine purpose, to obey God and to serve as a custodian over God’s newly populated world. He became a custodian of God’s creation as he built the ark and later populated it with samples of every living creature on the face of the earth.
A young lady once testified at a bible study that she prayed for a job and was given a part time job at a fast food restaurant. One of her assignments was to clean the toilets. She said clean the toilets as if it was an assignment from heaven, with a smile on her face and singing in her heart. As far as she was concerned she was cleaning the bathrooms for Jesus. Later, management noticed her attitude and work and she was promoted to other positions.
Across the nation thousands of believers have similar testimonies; they began low in a sacred trust, but with God’s help were made custodians of even higher trust as they retrained themselves and moved up the career ladder. When that happens they all recognized that God was the source of our glory.
It is God’s involvement in our affairs that his resulted in our promotions, commendations and awards. It is his constant presence that has glorified us. It does not matter whether we are elected to a political office, appointed to an influential position of leadership or accomplish a great feat.
We know that the source of our accomplishment is God himself. We are humbled by that fact and never take credit for what God has done through us. We daily pray for the strength to do his will.

Black Perspective
Like Noah, we each have a divine purpose in our lives as African-Americans. By embracing humility, recognizing God's role in our achievements, and seeking His guidance and strength, we can fulfill our purpose and make a positive impact on our communities and the world. Our accomplishments are ultimately a reflection of God's involvement in our lives, and we should always give credit where it is due.
We can learn from those who have achieved great heights in African-American history by retraining themselves and moving up the career ladder. In doing so, we should remain dependent on God, seeking His strength and guidance daily to fulfill His will.