Due to good behavior, Miguel's suspension from the basketball team was lifted. He would get to play in the last twelve games of the season. In the locker room, the Coach spoke to the team and made a big announcement.
"Alright, listen up, everyone! I’ve got some good news. Our star point guard is coming back!"
When Miguel walked in, the players erupted in cheers. One player, Big Mike, made a funny comment, "I'm glad Baby Steph is back. Now I don't have to carry the weight for all you bums!" They all laughed.
Another player, Kendrick, chimed in, "Now that we have our star player back, we just might make the playoffs! Now Dennis can go back to his seat on the bench where he belongs!" The team burst into laughter, teasing Dennis.
Dennis grinned, "Hey, I'm glad Baby Steph is back too because if we get to the state championship, even the bench players get a ring!" Everyone laughed again, the camaraderie filling the room.
After practice, Miguel and Carlos were leaving campus when they noticed the girl's track team still practicing. They decided to sit in the bleachers and watch them run. When their practice was over, Miguel called out, "Nikki!"
Miguel and Nikki grew up together. They were inseparable, living in the same neighborhood, and going to the same schools since elementary. Her real name was Nicole Jefferson, and she was the hottest girl on campus.
Nikki's dad was Black, and her mother was White. They divorced when Nikki was in Junior High School. You'd think with us both being Seniors now, that she would be over her parents splitting up but it still bothers her from time to time.
Due to a custody battle, Nikki lives with her dad during the week, and she has to stay with her mom on weekends. The only problem is her mom lives all the way in Ft. Worth.
She was a pretty girl with long, flowing hair. She was fine. Fine, like Rhianna - fine! Nikki was an honor student, on the student council, Captain of the cheerleaders, and the best 100m runner in the city. She had scholarship offers from many schools, but she had been working hard to go to college and it was her dream to go to LSU. Even though she was a track star, she had the grades to get in any school even without track.
The Breakup
One of the biggest issues in their relationship was the distance. When all the kids hung out on the weekends, Nikki could never go because she had to be with her mother. Miguel was usually the only senior at parties or at the movies without a date because his girlfriend, Nikki, was never available to do anything on the weekend.
Being very popular, other girls always hung around him and posted pictures on social media hanging out with him. This caused a big fight between him and Nikki, and Nikki told him she needed space. She was even more upset that Miguel didn’t seem to care about her asking for space. He just said okay, and the next day, she saw him sitting with another girl at lunch and walking with a completely different girl between Science and Math class. She was upset that he never reached out to see how she was doing and had obviously moved on with his life.
Nikki, walking away from the track, out of breath purposely ignores Miguel. He called her name again, "Nikki!"
She didn’t respond. He called again, but still no answer. Concerned, he walked over to her, noticing her attitude. He tried to help her pick up her sports bag and water bottle, but she stopped him.
"Miguel, I can get my own bag," she snapped.
Miguel recognized she was upset. "Why are you so upset with me?"
Nikki glared at him. "You’ve been back for nearly two months, and you never reached out to me. You didn't even write me back when you were locked up."
Miguel was taken aback. "Right before I was arrested, you said you needed space. So, I gave you space."
Nikki shook her head, frustrated. "Space doesn't mean I don't care about you. It doesn't mean I am not concerned about your life. You could have at least written me back to let me know you were okay in there."
"I didn't see the point," Miguel said. "You said you wanted space, and I gave you space."
Nikki's eyes flashed with hurt. "Space doesn’t mean ‘break up’. It just means we're taking a pause. You didn’t reach out. You treated me like I didn't even exist."
Confused, Miguel asked, "What? A pause? What does that even mean?" Nikki rolls her eys and tells him, "Yes, Miguel. A pause!"
Miguel, wanting clarification, "So, let me get this straight. We 'paused' as you say because YOU wanted space, and we only get back together when YOU decide we can get back together?"
"That's exactly how it goes," she said. "If I'm your girlfriend and I say I need space to sort out some things, then you should respect that. But NO! You just start dating other people as if I wasn't your girlfriend anymore."
Miguel stood with his hands in the air. "But you said you wanted SPACE!"
Nikki turned to walk away. As she did, she dropped her water bottle, and Carlos picked it up.
"Thank you, Carlos. At least one Garcia has manners," she said, walking off.
Miguel and Carlos walked behind her. Miguel still tried to talk to her. "Nikki, I get it. You've been through a lot. Well, so have I. You don't get to just put me on pause then unpause my whole life when it's convenient for you."
Nikki stopped walking and turned around. "You don’t get it, Miguel. You have to respect my need for space without treating me like I don’t exist. If I say I need space don't make a mountain out of a molehill. I just needed Space!" Her dad pulls up in his SUV. Nikki gets in and puts her seatbelt on. As her dad drives off, she looks back at Miguel and rolls her eyes.
As they drive off Carlos starts repeating, "Space. Space. Space. Nikki go to space! She go to Space!"
Miguel turned to Carlos, "Shut up, Carlos!"
Carlos said it one more time, "She go to space!"
Miguel put his arm around him. "Baby bro, you got it good. You won't ever have to deal with girls."
Carlos smiled and gave Miguel some breaking news about himself, "Carlos got a girlfriend. Yea, Carlos got a girlfriend."
Miguel was shocked. "You have a girlfriend?"
"Yea, Carlos got a girlfriend," Carlos said.
"What's her name?" Miguel asked.
"Valerie," Carlos responded confidently.
"Valerie is an Amy Winehouse song," Miguel noted.
"Yea, Carlos got a girlfriend. Valerie. Yea, Valerie my girlfriend," Carlos repeated with a big smile.
Miguel rubbed his brother's head. "That's good, baby bro. So, how do you know Valerie is your girlfriend?"
"She gave me her apple at lunch. Yea, she my girlfriend. She gave me her apple. Apple starts with A. She gave me her apple. Valerie. Yea. It starts with an A. She my girlfriend." Carlos said proudly.
Miguel was excited to see his brother happy. As they walked home, the streetlights began to flicker on as the night swooped in. After a quiet thirty seconds, Carlos blurted out, "Space. Yea. Nikki go to space." Then, he made a sound like a rocket taking off, and they both laughed.
Get Down
When they got home, they saw a note on the kitchen table. Maria left a message saying she would be late; she picked up a second shift at the diner. She told Miguel to make sure Carlos took a bath and went to bed, warning him that if he didn't watch Carlos, he would stay up all night watching anime cartoons.
Miguel fixed them both some chicken ramen noodles when he heard a sound outside. He looked out the living room window, but because it was dark, he didn't see anything. As he turned away, he heard the sound again. He looked out the window once more, but still saw nothing. Instantly, he heard a car speeding down the street followed by the sound of gunshots.
Miguel's heart pounded as he ran to Carlos' room. "Carlos, get down! Danger, Carlos. Danger!" he shouted, pulling his brother to the floor. They stayed down for what felt like an eternity until they heard sirens and saw the flashing lights pass their house.
The next morning at school, word had spread: Big Mike, one of Miguel's basketball teammates, had been killed in a drive-by shooting in their neighborhood. The school was somber, with many students crying. Cards adorned Big Mike's locker, and the school had prepared a table in the lobby with his jersey and a big picture of him. Students left messages on a huge card, and the school planned a candlelight vigil in his memory.
Miguel found his other teammates in the locker-room, all-in tears. The coaches were trying to console the students. Seeing Big Mike's empty locker broke Miguel down. He, along with his teammates, were deeply saddened. All the players embraced in a big huddle, crying on each other's shoulders.
Suddenly, Miguel took a basketball and threw it across the room. He yelled loudly and broke down on the floor in tears. Coach McGinnis went over to him, hugging him tightly. Miguel, through his sobs, said, "Why does bad stuff keep happening, Coach? Why?!!"
Coach McGinnis embraced him. "It's okay, son. It's okay."
As Coach McGinnis looked at his boys, he knew this was going to be a tough mountain to climb. He also knew he would never be able to rebuild the team without Miguel. He was the heart of their team.

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