If you weren't previously familiar with the lately popularized Trader Joe's kimbap, now could be the time to become acquainted. The internet went completely crazy when the well-known local grocery store chain unveiled its newest frozen food snack, a Kimbap Korean Tofu and Vegetable Seafood Rice Roll, earlier this summer. And now, much sooner than anticipated, the well-liked version of the iconic Korean snack comes back after a brief period of being fully sold out.
The Trader Joe's kimbap rice roll, which can be frozen and thawed in the microwave, adopts a veggie-forward approach to the well-known Korean snack. The ingredients for Trader Joe's kimbap, which is shipped directly from their source in the Republic of Korea, include a variety of sautéed greens, crunchy root vegetables, and crisp pickles arranged around a bed of braised tofu. It is then cut into bite-sized rounds and coated in a layer of rice and seaweed. What's best? TJ's Kimbap is a terrific choice for when you're on the run because it just needs two minutes in the microwave before you can enjoy it.

In a Reddit thread devoted to the comeback of the famous snack, interested customers who hadn't yet given the kimbap a try had some reasonable questions they wanted answers to.
A genuinely worried consumer asked, "Would you spend your money on these if you could buy fresh kimbap?" They went on to explain how their friend enjoys the Costco instant pho and that they settle for it since "the closest pho restaurant is too far away."
Fortunately, a knowledgeable customer of the well-known Korean snack chimed in to provide some insight. "Yes. When a sudden need occurs around 11 p.m., I can't get fresh kimbap for $3. I live about 5 minutes from an unofficial Koreatown, and I'll probably add this to my list of things to stockpile in the freezer, they continued.
Make sure to contact your neighborhood Trader Joe's to confirm that the kimbap is in stock before you go shopping. Supplies won't last long if enough people become aware of this resupply this week, so you'll need to move quickly. Pick up a 4-pack of the popular Speculoos Cookie Butter Beer while you're there; it's the ideal libation to welcome fall.