After releasing the trailer for a documentary about the work of Renee Bach, a white American who traveled to Africa and misrepresented herself as a medical expert, HBO Max has come under fire.
The project, titled "Savior Complex," describes how the Virginian traveled to Uganda on a mission and made the decision to create a facility to aid the nation's starving children. In 2010, Bach left her home in Virginia to start her charity, Serving His Children, and wrote a blog called Angels of Africa about her experiences as a "white doctor" to the locals.

She reportedly adopted 940 kids between 2010 and 2015, and 105 of them passed away. She was sued in 2019 for unlicensed child services that endangered children's life in a Ugandan civil court by two women and a civil rights organization.
The documentary, "Savior Complex," which debuts on September 26, is described in the trailer as "a three-part HBO Documentary series examining missionary work in Uganda, where an American is accused of causing the death of vulnerable Ugandan children by dangerously treating them despite having no medical training."
Bach appears to have no idea what she did wrong in the roughly three-minute footage, which is surprising given that she claims to have been sent by God. It also demonstrates Black Africans challenging the notion that she was a white savior, saying that she was to blame for the deaths of so many children despite their being in her care.
The movie's hashtag on the network's social media is "Are good intentions good enough?"
One famous person who commented on the show was D.L. Hughley. "You know what they say right...," he wrote in the caption of the trailer he posted on Instagram. "THE ROAD TO HELL IS PAVED WITH GOOD INTENTIONS"! Good intentions and wicked goals don't mix!!"
Additional remarks about the documentary and Bach's actions poured in.
How did Africa permit her to leave?
"A white lady moving to Uganda, appearing as a fake doctor, running a phony clinic, allowing hundreds of Ugandan babies to die under her 'care,' then being featured in a docuseries because her 'intentions were good,' is an example of white supremacy at its worst. Sad." Why isn't she buried beneath the mud?
"I regret that she received no punishment for this crime. She will soon receive compensation for it through this documentary.
"White woman tears will get these people out of anything, especially crime against Black People," a prosecutor once said.In order to settle the civil court case in Uganda, Bach and the organization agreed to compensate each mother roughly $9,500 without admitting guilt.
Online critics of HBO, on the other hand, demanded a boycott of the film. "How about no one watching it," one said. If the app permits it, rate it poorly when it drops on the home screen. "Why don't we hold HBO accountable and fight the release like everyone did for the Yt Supremacy series on A&E a few years ago," another person said.
Before it was scheduled to debut, A&E quickly canceled "Generation KKK," a show on the KKK Klan in response to the outcry. Although some believed it would mainstream the hate group, it was meant to draw attention to the group's history of discrimination against African Americans and others. The release of this movie followed Donald Trump's victory as the Republican nominee for president in 2016.