SIOUX, Idaho — A picture of many Salmon High School students wearing n-word-spelling shirts, around another student on the ground, and giving her the finger went viral on Instagram. The pupils are now facing disciplinary punishment. In addition, the kid on the ground is giving the other students behind her the finger.
The student's early Tuesday morning post has since been removed. Dr. Troy Easterday, the district superintendent, stated that the administrative team was called in as soon as the school learned about the position. Students claimed the tweet was "not maliciously" created, he told KTVB.
"As the Salmon School District's superintendent, I am fully aware of the current circumstances surrounding a social media post made by one of our kids. Within the bounds of the law, Easterday stated, "The administrative team of the Salmon School District is currently looking into this post and will keep the community informed."
Parents in the district sent KTVB multiple emails expressing their displeasure, even in light of the joke, and some even claimed that such racially charged behavior has happened in the past. Since taking on the role, Superintendent Easterday claimed he had not seen anything comparable.
"There has never been any evidence brought to my attention that this kind of event has occurred or that it hasn't been handled seriously. Not in my time here," Easterday said to KTVB. "Our group acted without hesitation. To ensure that disciplinary action was taken, we followed all the proper legal procedures.
Board members and law enforcement were also informed by the district.
"What was said on social media today is not and has never been condoned by the Salmon School District. In a video posted on the district's Facebook page, Easterday stated, "Disciplinary action has been taken."