Louisiana Lawmakers pass bill permitting Surgical Castration for Child Predators

Louisiana Lawmakers pass bill permitting Surgical Castration for Child Predators

Louisiana politicians authorized surgical castration of convicted pedophiles and child molesters.

TMZ reports that Governor Jeff Landry will decide whether to sign the measure.

The bill passed both GOP-dominated houses, with Democrats voting against it, according to the Associated Press. After August 1, the law would apply to individuals convicted of serious sex crimes such rape, incest, and molestation against children under 13.

“We are talking about babies who are being violated by somebody,” said bill author Sen. Regina Barrow at an April committee meeting. “That is inexcusable.”

A medical specialist must assess the male criminal before surgical castration. The legislation may apply to women.

Burrow stated that judges will decide on each case whether to perform surgical castration. A convicted offender who skips the process might get three to five years in jail.

“This is a consequence,” Republican state Sen. Valarie Hodges said in an April bill committee meeting. “It’s more than jail and release.”

The AP reports that California, Florida, and Texas allow chemical castration for criminals who choose it.

According to The AP, the National Conference of State Legislatures said it is unaware of any states where judges may order surgical castration.

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