Sassy pants Drake dropped his album “For All The Dogs” on October 6, 2023, and many fans call his latest work mid. “23 songs… listened while in and out of the car… no bangers.. I didn’t turn up the volume not once,” said social media user @twooojays. Journalist @issablacksuperhero believed, “Drake’s character development is looking like he will never grow up or mature.” @unapologetically_kim concurred, “Still refuses to grow up, still obsessed with Rihanna, still in his biracial self discovery journey, same corny Canadian Aubrey,” and @selfcare_beauties87 went straight for the jugular, “He and Chris like to drop albums every 3 business days.” Hahaha! We must admit we haven’t listened to any of his albums, just a few singles here and there, so we can’t verify these statements, lol!

Whenever we try to be nice to Drake, he reminds us how much of an uber-GOOBER he is in these social media skreets. Supposedly, he threw subliminal shots at his former bae Rihanna, on his new track “Fear of Heights,” where he denies being in a chokehold for the Bajan beauty. The uncertified lover boy references Rihanna’s 2016 album “Anti” and plays on the word to show how unbothered he is by their breakup. Boi, we all know you loved that girl; you’ve publicly said it for years, Auntie Drake! Twitter, of course, would not stand for his blatant disrespect and pulled the receipts. Critics believe Champagnie Papi exhibits misogynoir vibes and as previously attacked Serena Williams, Megan Thee Stallion and Ice Spice. Do better Aubrey.
Drake straight violated Joe Budden when he criticized the Canadian rapper’s last album, “For All The Dogs.” Drake posted in the comment section on IG, “You left it behind to do what you are doing in this clip cause this is what actually pays your bills. For any artist watching this just remember you are watching a failure give their opinion on his idea of a recipe for success…a quitter give their opinion on how to achieve longevity…You switched careers cause the things that pop into your brain had you broke living cheque to cheque and the raps you write had 450 men showing up to your shows in dusty Enyce jeans to screw up their face to Mood Muzik 29 and pretend you are the goat.” Some other gems he used to cook Joe were, “You retired and we never hung your jersey, we don’t even remember your number” and “[He] flies first class on special occasions.” Call him corny Canadian Aubrey all you want; no one can deny Drake is a savage wordsmith.
Drake tried to bite off Usher‘s Messy Boots vibe in a skit where he finesses a lady while she’s on a date with @bendadonn. Allegedly he shot the video during a break in his concert “he’s too busy making skits during his shows that’s why they suck. 🤣 🤣 🤣,” said one person. Have any Webbies witnessed Drake in concert? If so, how was his performance?
Reported by EUR WEB