South Carolina Rep says Biden isn't breaking the 'MAGA Wall'

South Carolina Rep says Biden isn't breaking the 'MAGA Wall'

(CNN) — Democratic Rep. Jim Clyburn of South Carolina claimed Sunday that President Joe Biden's 2024 campaign isn't shattering the “MAGA wall.”

No fault with the Biden administration's actions. My concern is we haven't been able to break through that MAGA wall to tell folks what this president has done, Clyburn said on CNN's "State of the Union."

Just days before, Biden launched his 2024 campaign with a passionate claim that GOP frontrunner former president Donald Trump may destroy American democracy.

“Trump's campaign is about him, not America. Not you. Trump campaign focuses on the past, not the future. He will sacrifice democracy for power, Biden added.

Polling shows that democracy is a central issue for Americans ahead of November's election, but Biden still has low approval ratings, questions about his ability to serve another term, and diminished support from key components of his 2020 winning coalition.

CNN's inaugural “Road to 270” electoral map shows Biden failing to re-create the Electoral College majority from his 2020 candidacy and Trump with enough states in his camp or leaning his way to win again.

Clyburn, whose 2020 support of Biden before of the South Carolina primary was crucial to his victory, said Sunday that he had spoken with Biden to voice his worries and that polls don't accurately represent “where voters are.”

South Carolina is crucial for Biden in the Democratic primary. The president is nearly certain to win the Democratic presidential nomination, but Biden wants a good showing in the state among Black voters to secure their support.

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